The Royalty & Nobility Department and the Royalty & Nobility Committee of The Augustan Society, Inc., are headed by the Royalty & Nobility Committee Chairman. He is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President. He is responsible for the activities of the Royalty & Nobility Committee and overseeing any subcommittees.
The duties of the Chairman include:
- Administering the activities of the Royalty & Nobility Committee, including reviews of petitions for Recognition of Titles of Nobility and Recognition of ''Fontes Honorum'';
- Appointing a Royalty & Nobility Committee Vice-Chairman within his first year in office, and keeping them sufficiently well informed that they may take over at need;
- Appointing the members of the Royalty & Nobility Committee, including the chairmen of subcommittees and such others as he may see fit;
- Assist or delegate, when called upon, with royal and nobiliary issues submitted by other committees; and
- Coordinate projects that fall under the scope of this committee.