
Heraldry Index

34 bytes added, 18:36, 21 August 2016
The contents of the index will come from several sources:
* ''[[Roll of Arms|The Augustan Society Roll of Arms]]''* Augustan Society [[Registration of Arms|Registrations of Arms ]] (not all have been published)
* The New England Historic Genealogical Society Committee on Heraldry (who have kindly published their registrations online)
* The American College of Heraldry
* Other organizations and sources that may be discovered
It is also proposed that an An Ordinary of these arms be with English blazons is also benig created to aid in the identification of emblazonments.
While this project is presently being conducted under the [[Communications|Communications Department]], it is hoped that the [[Heraldry|Heraldry Department ]] will some day elect to pick it up, as that's really the appropriate place for it.