
Centennial Vision

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#[[Genealogy Vision]]
#[[Heraldry Vision]]
 =History= The History Department would engage in the following activities: ==History Committee== The History Committee is composed of the History Chairman, the members of other committees assigned to the History Department, such members as the Chairman sees fit, and the #[[President]] and [[Consuls]] as ex officio members. The Chairman is named by the President and serves at his pleasure. The members are named by the Chairman, and serve at his pleasure. All activities of the History Department fall under the control of this Committee unless the [[Board]] or Chairman has created another Committee and charged them with responsibility. ==First Peoples Committee== ==Library Support== The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will advise the Library Department in matters of accession, classification, and deaccession of materials on this subject. ==Article Solicitation== The Department, either through the main Committee, a sub-committee, or a designated officer, will solicit articles on this subject for the [[Omnibus]], in cooperation with the [[Omnibus EditorVision]]. ----