Rose Roll of Arms

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The Noble Company of the Rose, a dependency of The Augustan Society, Inc., has determined to publish a Rose Roll of Arms. Responsibility for editing has been assigned to the Rolls Editor, working in conjunction with the Rose Herald. Responsibility for publishing (and funding) has been assigned to the Communications Department.

At this time, the Editor-in-Chief is waiting for the appointment of a Rose Herald to help him define the scope, content, and style of this publication. No work will be done by the Communications Department without his approval.

  • Expenses for any new emblazonments required must be funded by The Noble Company of the Rose. They may ask that the price of the Roll be increased to reimburse them, or to publish only those arms where emblazonments exist in order to fund the production of those missing.
  • Expenses for marketing must be covered by the Noble Company of the Rose working in conjunction with the Marketing Committee, save that ¼-page ads in The Augustan Omnibus will be provided gratis on a space-available basis. The [Editor-in-Chief]] may decide that the price of the Roll be increased to reimburse the Ad account.
  • Expenses for printing, binding, and distribution will be the responsibility of the Communications Department, who will set pricing accordingly, subject to such additions described above.

Current expectations are:

  • The Roll will be published in softcover, saddle-stitched, 5½×8½".
  • Contents to be the armorial achievements of all current members of the Noble Company that have been registered with the Society and for whom emblazonments are available.
  • The Magister Rosae or the Rose Herald will provide a brief introduction that explains why some members were not included.

As with The Augustan Society Roll of Arms, the standard markup will be applied to sales of this product (even if the Noble Company elects to absorb the cost to distribute it to members gratis), with any profits being reserved to create missing emblazonments for publication in future editions.