Centennial Vision

Revision as of 19:20, 2 February 2015 by Bruce (Talk | contribs)

Some feel it is important that The Augustan Society, Inc., has a vision of what it wants to become. In a perfect world, this would come first, and all other planning would be in service of that goal. In this world, the Board has shown indifference to such long-range plans, leaving Consuls to develop the program outlined below. They would welcome additional input, or the Board resuming this responsibility. The term "Centennial Vision" is adopted to avoid confusion with the Long-Range Plan or the Vision Statement, and because it would not surprise this writer if it took until at least 2057 to achieve.

A Centennial Vision for The Augustan Society, Inc.

  1. Introduction to Vision
  2. Physical Plant Vision
  3. Staff Vision
  4. Administrative Structure Vision
  5. Chivalry Vision
  6. Genealogy Vision
  7. Heraldry Vision
  8. History Vision
  9. Nobility Vision
  10. Communications Vision
  11. Library Vision
  12. Museum Vision
  13. Sub-Groups

Last modified on 2 February 2015, at 19:20