
The Augustan Society, Inc., grants a variety of Honors:

  • Fellowship is awarded to members of the Society in good standing in recognition of their cumulative contributions to the Society;
  • Honorary Fellowship is awarded to non-members of the Society in recognition of their cumulative contributions to the Society;
  • The Balling Award is granted annually to a member of the Society in good standing who made the greatest contributions to the Society in the prior calendar year (this award may be repeated five times);
  • The Metzler Award is granted to a member of the Society in good standing who made the greatest contributions to the Society in the prior year who has previously received five grants of the Balling Award;
  • Patrons of the Society, or of a Sub-Group, traditionally restricted to members of a recognized royal house, but potentially major financial contributors (the term major subject to debate, but likely in the six-digit range); and
  • Resolutions of Thanks and Resolutions of Commendation issued by the Board as they see fit.

Last modified on 5 November 2017, at 12:48