Books Editor

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The Books Editor is an officer within the Communications Department of The Augustan Society, Inc., who is responsible for soliciting, editing, and publishing books (in cooperation with the Production Editor), including both hardcover and softcover, and for assisting the Marketing Committee in publicizing and marketing the books. He is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Editor-in-Chief.

The Books Editor serves as a member of the Communications Committee. He may at his discretion appoint editors for specific books. Should there be such book editors, they, the Books Editor, and such others as he chooses to appoint will serve as a Books Committee.

Rolls of Arms are specifically excluded from his jurisdiction, these being the responsibility of the Rolls Editor.

Some books are now being published electronically. This officer may include this work in his domain, delegate the production of E-books to an assistant, or he may appeal to the Editor-in-Chief to create a new office of &ldquoE-Books Editor” at the same level.