Family of Augustans Study Group

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In the furtherance of the study of genealogy, The Augustan Society, Inc., has established the Family of Augustans project. The work on this project is done by the Family of Augustans Study Group, and is lead by a Coordinator named by and serving at the pleasure of the Dean of Studies.

The objective of this Study Group is to computerize lineages of Augustans whose genealogies are stored at Headquarters or have appeared in various Society publications with the intent to demonstrate our interrelatedness, and to identify common ancestors, both for the sake of fraternity and to assist one another with genealogical research and applications for lineage societies. Multiple lineages for one individual will be accepted.

It is not contemplated that this project will accept broad genealogies that cover more than one line of descent. The Library will, however, archive members' genealogies for them on request.

Society members are encouraged to participate by sending their genealogies to Headquarters either on paper or electronically. The latter, in GED format, is preferred. Paper lineages should be in Standard Lineage Format. Data sent in other formats will be converted gratis by the Genealogy Committee into Standard Lineage Format and a GED file.

Non-members may also submit their lineages, with the understanding that the processing of member lineages will take precedence.

Plans are to merge all such lineages into a single database, and to make that (or reports from it) available to members.

Publication of member relationships may appear in either Augustæum (if brief) or The Augustan Omnibus (if more extensive).

Whenever published, details after the latest US Census released (presently 1940) will be redacted unless specific written permission is obtained from the individuals mentioned.

The Coordinator has established FOA Procedures for the processing of lineages.