Headquarters Staff

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Much of the routine work of The Augustan Society, Inc., is conducted at the Headquarters, and the workers there are collectively referred to in the Staff Wiki as Headquarters Staff.

At present, Headquarters Staff consists exclusively of Bruce A. Metcalf, OAE, naturally enough since it is located inside his home. It is greatly hoped that once a public Headquarters is obtained and occupied, local volunteers will be found to add to their efforts, and eventually to replace them.

Until the Headquarters is relocated outside their home, one would expect him to continue in his roles as:

When engagement with a member or non-member in a particular issue has begun, the staff member or officer should remain the primary contact for that person on that topic. There may be cases where an issue involves several individuals, and care must be taken that all speak alike, and this is best done by having one of them take primary responsibility for communications. While this can cause inefficiencies, they are preferable to sending out mixed messages.

Obviously, these are plans that will fall with first contact with an expanded staff, so perhaps the above should be taken in the context of what might be hoped for, rather than what should be expected.


The Metcalfs and Society have agreed to a contract that governs their relationship. This is nominally annual, with renewals being automatic if neither objects.

The contract provides that in lieu of reimbursements for the use of their home and related incidental expenses, that the Society will deposit 10% of annual gross revenues into the Investment Fund, and that all such deposits be held there for future use. Growth and interest may be withdrawn to cover operating expenses according to established policies. When the balance of the account drops below the sum of capital deposits, no withdrawals may be made.

These deposits are accepted in exchange for rent and expensess. They are not meant as compensation for his time — he serves as a volunteer.


The history of the relationship with the Metcalfs is covered in the unlinked page "Consuls". It will remain unlinked as it no longer applies.