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Unlike most organizations of its size, which control their finances with an adopted annual budget, The Augustan Society, Inc., has instead a "permanent" Budget that rolls over from year to year, with amendments being made occasionally as the Board sees fit. The various Sub-Groups normally establish their own Budgets, with confirmation from the Board.

This process acts as a brake on innovation and new programs, but the Board and recent Treasurers do not have the inclination to do the hard work of budgeting each year. One hopes that a new Board or Treasurer will resume this important work.

It has developed that reporting to various governmental and private agencies require us to express our Budget in a different format, and worse, our Budget and Accounts are not in the same format. It would be prudent to align these three tables of accounts, necessarily deferring to the governmental standard, provided this can be done without damage to the elements of our present system found helpful. Work on this task has not yet begun, and doesn't appear likely to do.

In developing an annual Budget, the Treasurer would be expected to work with:

These may be gathered into the Finance Committee, with the President and Headquarters Staff added as ex officio members, or the Treasurer may consult them individually, at his pleasure.