Rose Assistant Receiver General

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The Noble Company of the Rose, a dependency of The Augustan Society, Inc., collects and disburses dues and other funds. The practical daily financial operations are normally delegated by the Rose Receiver General to the Rose Assistant Receiver General, who is normally the Assistant Treasurer.

The Rose Assistant Receiver General is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Rose Receiver General, but such appointments are subject to review and reversal by the Rose Council or the Board of Directors. In situations where the Noble Company and Board disagree, the Board's wishes will prevail because they are the legal entity ultimately responsible for the funds.

Specific duties of the Rose Assistant Receiver General include:

  • Such duties as may be customarily assigned to the Rose Receiver General (treasurer) for the Noble Company, save for budgeting;
  • Service on the Finance Committee when the Rose Receiver General chooses not to serve in that role and specifically delegates that duty.
  • Such other duties as may be assigned by the Rose Receiver General or the Rose Council.