Student Membership

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Student Membership in The Augustan Society, Inc., may be entered into by petition to Headquarters.

  • Student Membership is required for individuals under 18 years of age.
  • Student Membership is optional for individuals over 18 years of age, but enrolled full-time at an accredited school or university.

Student Members have all the rights and privileges of Regular Members, save that they cannot vote in elections or hold elected or appointed office in the Society.

Dues for Student Members is one half that charged for Regular Membership. Regular Members who wish to convert to Student Membership must meet the same qualifications, and may convert current-year Regular dues into two years of Student dues.

Once the petition and payment are in hand at Headquarters, the procedure is:

  1. Check the Membership Book to see if the petition is a former member. Given the likelihood of students dropping their membership for reasons of finance or the press of studies, readmission requires no special process (unless HQ Staff think an exception needs to be made).
  2. Verify the petitioner’s age or student status. Headquarters Staff will determine the acceptablility of the school in the same manner as is used to recognize Academic Honors.
  3. Enter the petitioner’s name in the Membership Book and assign a Membership Number.
  4. Create a Welcome letter from the Secretary (presently signed electronically).
  5. Create a Certificate of Student Membership, signed by the President and Secretary (presently done electronically), and affix the Corporate Seal.
  6. Create a Welcome memo from Headquarters Staff.
  7. Mail the above three items, plus a printed copy of the current Augustæum and Augustan Omnibus to the new member.
  8. Notify the Custodian of Insignia to send a Member Pin to the new member.
  9. Enter the new member's data into the Roster.
  10. Send an email to such officers as may have requested notice of new members, and to the Assistant Secretary so that notice may be placed in the next Board Agenda.