
Assistant Webmaster for the Store

26 bytes added, 14:43, 30 June 2017
The Assistant Webmaster is responsible for posting all changes in the content of the site based on input from authorized individuals. Headquarters staff will be the primary source of data, but comments and corrections from whatever source should be given reasonable consideration.
The Assistant Webmaster should work primarily with the [[Sales Manager]], the [[Assistant Treasurer]], and [[Headquarters staff Staff]] to obtain the Contents of each item, along with such links as may be appropriate. He should accept input from Headquarters about the raw cost of production, and the nominal profit margin, data from the Sales Manager (and [[Membership Privileges]] list) on margins and discounts, and see that pricing is changed as these inputs change.
The Assistant Webmaster should consider if putting images of the covers would be constructive, and work with Headquarters staff Staff to have the scanned and uploaded.
The Assistant Webmaster should provide images and data to the [[Assistant Webmaster for ENS]] for the items to be featured on that site. While to date only one book and post-#116 ''[[Augustan Omnibus]]'' have been listed, this is not a constraint. Indeed, it may be wise to include all items with an interesting cover.
The Assistant Webmaster should make maximum use of internal links between pages, both on the Store site and the other Society sites. Links to other sites, including other Society sitesother than the Store, should open in a new tab. Outside links should be used with care, and must be verified as active and appropriate not less than annually.
In particular, links should be created between: