
Main Website

1 byte added, 01:04, 8 August 2016
This site also includes the working [[Roster]] for the Society and its [[Sub-Groups]]. Access to this has been granted to the [[Assistant Secretary]] and the [[Assistant Treasurer]], as each is the lead worker on some aspect of the Roster.
The site includes a "Blast Email" function intended to be used to send bulk email to members (or others). Due to changes in the structure of the internet Internet and the Society's maintenance of an email forwarder responding to the same domain name, this system is presently unusable.
"Groups Management" allows members to be grouped according to their membership in sub-groups, classes of membership, committee membership, and any arbitrary group needed. Maintaining these groups is a non-trivial task that is not often attended to except when a mailing is to be made. This is presently felt sufficient.
plus such other lists as the Society may elect to make public.